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What is a solid-state battery for electric cars?

The solid-state battery is considered the latest development in the e-mobility sector. Although electric cars have undergone considerable technological evolution in the recent past, battery technology often appears to be inadequate. This is now set to change with the use of solid-state batteries in electric cars. With several positive properties, the new technology could provide a major breakthrough. Find out everything you need to know about solid-state batteries for electric cars.

Solid-state batteries are set to replace conventional lithium-ion batteries

In the automotive industry, the solid-state battery is seen as a game changer in electromobility. This is hardly surprising, as the new technology promises many advantages. The biggest advantage is the higher energy density compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries. In terms of safety and service life, the new battery technology is also expected to outperform any lithium-ion battery installed to date.

What is a solid-state battery?

A solid-state battery is a battery in which a solid electrolyte is used instead of a liquid electrolyte. The task of the electrolyte is to ensure the transport of ions between the anode and cathode. The interaction between the electrodes and the electrolyte ultimately ensures the flow of current in the battery. The new solid electrolytes make it possible to use other electrodes and should also increase the safety of the rechargeable battery.

What is a solid-state battery?

The solid-state battery for electric vehicles is the latest advancement in solid-state technology. Unlike previous lithium-ion batteries, this type of vehicle battery works with solid electrolytes and is soon to become the standard. However, the further development to series production maturity repeatedly presents manufacturers with hurdles. The production process has to be completely changed in order to be able to produce the new batteries in large quantities.

Why are solid-state batteries better?

The solid-state battery offers many advantages for electric cars. These include, above all, the increased energy density of batteries with solid electrolyte. In this way, a solid-state battery can store more electricity with the same battery size. This in turn increases the range of appropriately equipped electric vehicles. Alternatively, a vehicle battery with the same capacity can require significantly less space than is currently the case. In addition to their high energy density, the latest generations of solid-state batteries have other advantages. For example, the use of different materials should ensure shorter charging times for electric vehicles. The technology also offers additional safety when installed in electric vehicles. Compared to conventional batteries with liquid electrolytes, the solid electrolyte of the solid-state battery is said to increase fire safety.

What does the solid-state battery mean for electric cars?

The development of production-ready solid-state batteries could represent a milestone for electric cars. The improved energy density in particular will prove to be a decisive advantage. Electric vehicles could thus offer much greater ranges without the need to recharge the battery on the road. The short range is considered one of the biggest disadvantages of today’s electric vehicles. In addition to greater capacity, manufacturers are promising shorter charging times for the latest generation of solid-state batteries. Thanks to the higher charging speed, an electric car could then be charged just as quickly as a combustion engine. This shorter charging time and greater range would make electric cars more attractive and easier to place on the market.

Which company builds solid-state batteries?

Solid-state batteries are developed and manufactured by various companies. The battery manufacturers often join forces with car manufacturers. This enables practical improvements to be made to the batteries, and the battery and technology can be better adapted to each other. The car companies themselves are more involved in the further development of the technology than before and some of them operate their own research centers. Various companies have made a name for themselves in the field of solid-state battery production. These include the Taiwanese battery manufacturer ProLogium, which works together with Mercedes-Benz, among others. Toyota is collaborating with the Japanese company Idemitsu, while Volkswagen has joined forces with QuantumScape. Ford and BMW, meanwhile, are working with Solid Power on battery development.

When will solid state batteries arrive?

Solid state batteries for mobility applications are already available today. Production of the first solid-state cells for cars as prototypes has also already begun. Series production is to follow soon for many manufacturers. Volkswagen is planning series production of solid-state batteries from 2026, while Toyota is aiming for series production of innovative solid-state batteries from 2027.

When will solid-state batteries arrive?

It is not yet known when solid-state batteries for cars can be produced cheaply in large quantities. Especially for use in electric cars, there are always problems that need to be overcome. Researchers describe the development work on batteries of this type as difficult. The state of development is less advanced compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries. However, the development of conventional battery cells has also taken decades.

Which car has a solid-state battery?

Some car manufacturers are already using innovative solid-state batteries in drivable prototypes. For this purpose, the solid-state battery is usually installed in an existing series model instead of the intended lithium-ion battery. For example, car manufacturer BMW recently announced that it would soon be presenting a demonstrator vehicle with a specially developed solid-state battery. Other car manufacturers have already carried out initial test drives with solid-state batteries. Car manufacturer Nio, for example, reported that it had covered more than 1000 kilometers in one go using a solid-state battery. The manufacturer plans to start series production of this new type of battery as early as 2024. However, the price of the solid-state battery is not exactly cheap.

When will the first car with a solid-state battery arrive?

It is not clear exactly when the first mass-produced cars with solid-state batteries will be available to buy. Most car manufacturers are still keeping mum about when they will be ready for series production. Car manufacturers such as Mercedes-Benz say that solid-state batteries will go into series production in the next few years. The car manufacturer Nissan wants to launch the first electric car with solid-state technology on the market from 2028. Toyota wants to produce its new solid-state batteries from 2027, with installation in series production cars appearing conceivable. Chinese vehicle manufacturer Nio could equip its ET9 model with a solid-state battery as early as 2025. However, the new battery technology is already being installed in electrically powered buses. Mercedes-Benz, for example, equips its electric buses with solid-state batteries on request.

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