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Guide: How to Maintain and Protect Your Car Engine

If you take good care of the engine, it will have a longer lifespan and serve you better. The engine needs to run smoothly so that the car can continue moving and covering more miles. Therefore, it is very important to keep the engine in top form to function normally.

Engines need regular maintenance like oil changes, spark plug replacements, and tune-ups. You’ll also want to keep up on fluid levels such as transmission fluid, brake fluid, and coolant; these fluids help everything run smoothly. When you’re driving around town or across the country, it doesn’t matter if an animal jumps out in front of you: your engine will be able to handle any sudden change in speed with ease!

This post will highlight some tips on maintaining and preserving a car engine.

Read more: Your Guide to Car Engine Components and Functions

How to maintain your engine:

1. Change the oil regularly

The first step towards a healthy engine is regularly changing the engine oil. It is the least you can do because there is not much involved in this step. The engine oil lubricates all the moving parts, thus ensuring minimal friction. Additionally, the oil traps any sediments, dirt, dust, and impurities that may corrode passageways within the engine, therefore, deterring the transmission fluid. Ensure that you check for oil levels monthly and refill if they are low. However, it is important to know that the oil change intervals and grades are subject to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

2. Check and clean the air filters.

Surprisingly, your vehicle’s engine needs just as much oxygen as you do. Therefore, if you notice a shortness of power or the fuel is not burning completely, your car might have a constricted airflow. You may also notice that the emissions have increased. There is, however, a solution. Get the air filter cleaned or changed whenever you feel excessive debris and dirt stuck onto the filter.

3. Inspect the cooling system

An overheating engine can destroy your vehicle’s fuel economy. During fuel combustion, a lot of energy is lost, and not enough fuel is burnt. Alloys and metals that mainly comprise the engine components are good conductors of heat. You may therefore feel your engine overheat severally. It is, therefore, good advice to keep a bottle of coolant by your side at all times. When heat dissipation occurs, the coolant is the only way for an engine to cool. When topping off the coolant, mix it with water on a 1:1 ratio. Furthermore, keep a close eye on the engine temperature gauge on sunny days.


4. Avoid using reserve fuel.

It is important to note that petrol is comprised of sediments that settle at the bottom of the fuel tank. After years of running on it, the layer of debris should be kept away from the engine. Therefore, when you constantly drive on low fuel, you will pull this debris into the fuel pump, which normally causes a lot of wear and tear. Therefore, avoid this scenario by topping off your tank instead of paying for expensive repairs.

5. Look out for leaks

When you drive from the driveway, always stop and check at the parking spot for any fluids or spots on the ground. If you find a leak, then it is paramount to call a mechanic to fix the problem as soon as possible. Additionally, you may check under the hood and observe if there is a sign of anything leaking. Mainly, if you come across a leak, it is the antifreeze or the engine oil. You may also observe that your fuel consumption has increased because of the leaks. Remember to check the coolant and oil levels and top off if necessary.

6. Observe the belts

Belts are the lifeblood of your engine since they run everything from fan to water pump. They can vary in function depending on what car you have, but some common responsibilities include running an AC unit as well! If one or more belts are broken, there will likely be significant damage throughout other parts too, so pay attention, especially if it’s been a while since maintenance was performed. You don’t want this situation to worsen.

Tips on how to protect your engine

Protecting your engine from unnecessary pressure and wear will keep it running for longer and at maximum efficiency. However, the golden tip is regular maintenance. A trained professional should be able to provide quality car maintenance services. Here are some tips for you:

  • Observe the cooling system thoroughly: Essentially, the cooling system was made to regulate the internal temperatures to eliminate any excessive heat. When embarking on a long journey, check the cooling system. This system is comprised of various parts, namely, the water pump, thermostat, coolant, and radiator.
  1. I) Check to confirm sufficient coolant flowing inside the coolant chambers or consult the owner’s manual.

II)Deeply colored coolant, orange in color, means it is time to change it by flushing the radiator out.

  • Keep a close eye on the fuel filters. Fuel filters are key players in maintaining engine health. They clean the fuel by filtering out any impurities. This process protects the engine from the buildup of harmful deposits. Further, the fuel filters protect the engine from sustaining damage from the deposits and prevent specks from appearing in the fuel reserve.
    Replace the fuel filter often to ensure the engine runs optimally.
  • Go for frequent tune-ups: Tune-ups are an essential part of maintaining your car’s health. Changing spark plugs, rotor, and ignition wires for the best performance is a great way to ensure that you don’t run into any problems with its efficiency down the road! Additionally, tuning the carburetors will help your car run as efficiently as possible!
  • Scheduling an engine clean is important for maintaining the longevity of your car’s engine. If you want to get rid of any unwanted substances, schedule an appointment with professional technicians.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can a car engine sit unused?

Two weeks is the maximum time a vehicle should stay unused if you expect to drive it again.

How often should the engine be serviced?

Most vehicle types require that the engine be serviced at least once per year. But if you are a frequent driver, do it at least twice a year.

How can I improve my engine health?

  • Change the engine oil regularly and the power steering fluid
  • Get a new filter (fuel filter)
  • Check the belts
  • Look for leaks
  • Inspect the cooling system

How can I protect my car engine during winter

  • Have enough antifreeze, which keeps it from freezing during winter
  • Change the oil often to expel any dirty oil
  • Allow the engine to warm up before driving off
  • Store the car in a heated garage
  • Attach a light under the hood

How can you prevent engine failure?

  • Fix leaks when they happen
  • Do not neglect frequent oil changes
  • Do not ignore the check engine warning lights

How can I make my car engine run better?

  • Check the PCV valve for optimal operation
  • Check the spark plugs and the spark plug wires
  • Change the fuel filter, oil filter, and air filter


Regularly scheduled maintenance routines will preserve your engine’s life by a significant margin. It may also help check the car’s battery to ensure that it does not have a dead battery powering up your vehicle’s operations. Additionally, it is important to proactively protect the engine to ensure optimal transmission. This is especially important during the cold weather because the engine might freeze. Lastly, ensure the combustion chamber and all internal parts are properly cleaned at least once a year.

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