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EV motors basics: How are they built, how they work and differ from combustion engines

The most significant difference between electric car motors and combustion engines is their power source. While combustion engines derive their power from fuel, electric cars function by plugging the electric motor into a charge point and taking electricity from the grid.

Electric vehicles store the electricity in rechargeable batteries, which power up an electric motor that turns the wheels.

Surprisingly, an electric vehicle has an engine that lasts longer than combustion engines. That is because its components require less maintenance.

Some cars are a combination of both worlds, the hybrid electric vehicle. The hybrid vehicles are powered by an internal combustion engine and several electric motors that utilize the energy stored in batteries.

A plug-in hybrid vehicle can also use its combustion engine and be driven on fuel if the driver shifts from electric to fuel mode.

Read more: Guide: How to Maintain and Protect Your Car Engine

How do electric car motors work?

In an electric vehicle environment, when a driver puts pressure on the accelerator, the battery, in turn, delivers electricity to the stator. The stator then causes the rotor to turn and provides mechanical energy to shift the vehicle’s gears.

In addition, various other electric cars use the permanent magnet rotor instead of the rotor. This permanent magnet rotor creates a rotating magnetic field and can operate without a power supply. As soon as the gears are turning, the wheels follow suit.

The rotor and stator are part of a larger electric powertrain unit that also powers the electric motor.

There are two types of motors used in electric cars. They include:

  • AC – Alternating current
  • DC – Direct Current

What are the major components of an electric engine?

  • Traction battery pack: This is the primary electrical energy storage system in DC electricity. It is rechargeable once the stored power depletes.
  • Controller: This component acts as the regulator of electrical energy from the batteries. It ensures the power is correctly distributed in the motors
  • Power inverter: The inverter converts the battery’s direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC power).
  • Charger: This is a battery charging device. It gets electricity from outside.
  • Auxiliary battery: Provides electricity to power the car’s accessories.

Pros and cons of an EV vs. a combustion engine

Merits of an electric vehicle

  • Achieves higher speed faster because of its faster acceleration
  • Zero emissions – environmentally friendly because it does not use fuel
  • Comfort
  • Low maintenance required
  • Regenerative braking

Demerits of an EV

  • There are not many charging points, especially in developing countries
  • Steep purchase price
  • Charging time in some vehicles is long

Merits of a combustion engine

  • High combustion density
  • Has a higher energy output as compared to electric vehicles
  • It takes less time to refuel as compared to when EVs charge

Demerits of combustion engines

  • Requires constant maintenance
  • Has emissions which are dangerous for the environment
  • slower acceleration as compared to EVs
  • costly to run due to fuel prices

Changeable parts of an electric engine

There are many changeable components of an electric engine; this post will highlight several:

  • Motor: This part converts the electric energy into kinetic energy, moving the wheels. The main advantage of using a motor is that the noise and vibration associated with cars are minimized.
  • Reducer: This part conveys the motor’s power to the wheel.
  • Battery: This component stores electrical energy. It is equivalent to the fuel tank in a combustion engine. The battery also charges power electronics while in the vehicle.
  • Onboard charger: Converts the AC electricity from slow chargers into DC power. This may make it look similar to the inverter; however, they have distinct functions. The OBC is for charging, and the inverter is for acceleration or deceleration.

Frequently asked question about EV motors

What to do to maintain an EV motor

For your main motor to last well over 20 years, you need to keep your engine in top shape. Therefore, inspect the driveshafts, half shafts, and the power steering for any signs of damage, leaks, or excessive wear.

If your motor is not working, open it up with the correct tools and look for signs of corrosion. Turn the armature on the lathe, clean and polish all the parts. Lastly, replace the bearings and use grease. The problem now should be resolved.

Are EV motors AC or DC?

Electric cars can use both AC and DC power motors. You should, however, note that a DC motor, which gets its power from fuel cells, could run on 96 to 192 volts. In addition, DC power motors are more robust and will permit simple control.

Do electric cars have an “engine size”?

No. electric cars do not have an “engine size.” That is because electric vehicles are powered by an electric motor instead of a petrol engine. However/additionally, compared to internal combustion engines, they have 90% fewer moving parts.

Do electric cars need engine oil?

No. electric vehicles do not require engine oils. They do not have an internal combustion engine with numerous moving parts. Oil is mainly used to lubricate the various moving parts of a petrol engine.

Do electric cars use engine cooling?

Yes. Electric cars use an engine cooling system that keeps the batteries working normally. Electric engine batteries are designed to only work within certain temperatures. If there are extreme temperatures, they will stop working.

Does an EV have a gearbox?

No. electric vehicles do not have a gearbox. In the place of a gearbox, they have a high-speed transmission that derives its instructions from an intelligent drive selector. However, most EV only has one gear.

What are the differences between EV motor and petrol engine

The main difference is the number of moving parts. The EV has only one moving part, the motor, while petrol engines have numerous moving parts.

The other significant difference is that petrol engines are powered by petrol, producing toxic emissions, which are hard on the environment. On the other hand, EV batteries are powered by electricity and have zero emissions.

Can an EV motor be replaced?

Yes. An EV motor can be replaced. When you notice a vibration sound from your engine or you experience poor performance, then perhaps the motor is the problem.

Do electric vehicles have engine problems?

Yes. Electric vehicles have issues, but they are infrequent. The main problem is battery failure, but it is easily correctable. Therefore, do not doubt the efficiency of electric vehicles.

Other problems associated with electric cars are charger compatibility, availability of charging stations, and there is always the risk of fire.

Buy used and original electric motors on

Getting original motors can be an uphill task. Therefore, to help you acquire a used EV motor more efficiently, buy used parts on Consider visiting this website for the following reasons;

  • They have the most extensive categories of used car parts in Europe. The parts are in excellent condition.
  • You can easily find a compatible motor for your car model by entering your OEM.


Internal combustion engine vehicles have been the norm but are speedily being overtaken by electric vehicles. That is because of their constant need for vehicle servicing and their adverse effects on the environment. Electric vehicles do not emit fumes, have higher efficiency, and even do not have a tailpipe.

Visit for exclusive deals on original second-hand car parts for all your car part replacement needs.

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