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7 Car parts replacements and repair tasks you should not do yourself

With the rising cost of doing car repairs, many people are now attempting to do repairs and tune up the vehicle on their own in a bid to save some money. They consult some tutorial videos and blogs that give guidelines on doing repairs by yourself. However, it is a risky endeavour that might end up causing more damage to the vehicle. This post will highlight car parts replacements you shouldn’t do yourself.

A good rule for anyone who owns a car would be: if anything seems off when driving, then take note of what makes them feel strange; maybe there’s too much pressure from behind causing wheelspin; maybe one side has lost some responsiveness because friction wasn’t applied evenly across its surface etc., which can lead up toward other issues like worn pads needing resurfacing.

To ensure safe and reliable driving, you must schedule a car repair whenever your brakes need attention. The mechanic will be able to fix any problems with their spark plugs or brake fluid as well – making sure everything works properly for an enjoyable ride!

The professional should also check whether the car is overheating, diagnose any transmission issues and assess any other risk you may face on the road. While some repairs are easy to do, such as changing out the oil, any other replacement should only be attempted by a mechanic.

Read more: DIY Car Maintenance and Repair Tasks

7 car repair tasks you shouldn’t do yourself

1. Fixing the radio or DVD Player

While it may seem like an easy task that you can do all by yourself, it is not. Installing a radio entails doing some electrical wiring. Therefore, before doing this type of repair, you should know what you are doing. Some dangers you may face are a short circuit. The short circuit may cause an electrical fire in your car. Additionally, you may do all the heavy lifting, only to find out that your radio does not work. In this case, you may be frustrated.

2. Timing belt

After some time, the timing belt is always subject to wear and tear. Many people may attempt to replace it themselves, and only a few do it successfully. Knowing that the timing belt is a critical component that keeps the engine operating is vital.

Furthermore, replacing the timing belt requires almost half of your engine to be disassembled and assembled entirely. In your attempt to replace the timing belt, you may end up causing irreparable damage to the engine.

3. Windshield repairs

A broken windshield might seem like a small problem. However, any cracks that appear on your windshield could mean great harm. Therefore, get it repaired quickly by a trained mechanic if it gets broken. Additionally, taking swift action may save you from the cost of having to replace the windshield entirely.

In another case, any attempt to repair the windshield all on your own might end up causing an even bigger crack, and this will mean you have to spend even more money. It is therefore advisable to take the windshield to a certified mechanic.

4. Radiator repairs and replacements

A radiator is an essential component of the engine. Without it, your vehicle will undoubtedly overheat, and this may cause severe engine malfunctions that, in most cases, are beyond repair. In other words, the radiator is the heart of your engine’s cooling system. Therefore, ensure you know exactly what you are doing when attempting to repair.

Replacing a radiator is especially tricky because you have to connect the radiator to the car’s engine, and this connection must be tight and secure. If you do not get it right, things may go sideways, and your engine might blow up.

5. Engine diagnostics

When you are in your vehicle and notice some strange noises from under the hood, the check engine light pops up; it is only natural to get worried. Many car owners do not know what is causing the strange noises and therefore only end up poking around under the vehicle’s hood.

Consequently, it is paramount not to go around poking because you may end up causing more damage to the car’s engine.

In truth, the engine light could also turn on only because the gas cap is not tightly screwed or the car’s engine is overheating. In addition, you may need a change of brake fluid, or maybe the spark plugs need some changing. However, do not speculate; take the car to the professional for in-depth engine diagnostics.

6. Paint and bodywork

When repairing a damaged body, an extensive process is involved, and it is tedious. There are a lot of fumes required, and to apply, you must be well trained. Additionally, having the special tools for a paint job is vital because most fumes are toxic. If you do not have the special tools, you may have respiratory problems. It is only natural to want to save some bucks by repairing yourself; however, this task should only be left to the professionals.

7. A/C system restoration

Modern vehicles have an extremely complex air conditioning system that requires a keen eye. The process of repairing it is extensive, tedious and almost impossible for an amateur. Once the A/C seizes to function, you should take it to a trained mechanic who will decide on the best course of action.


Additionally, the A/C is connected to other sections of the vehicle that are just as delicate. It connects to the air filter, compressor, evaporator, condenser and many other components. Hence, if you get a repair done incorrectly, the air filter may spoil, and other repercussions will follow.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Car repair tasks you shouldn’t do yourself?

There are many car parts not recommended for DIY replacement. Here are a few:

  • Windshield repairs
  • Repairing the radiator
  • Repairing the shock absorber
  • Fixing the head gasket
  • Diagnosing transmission issues or doing a change of transmission fluid unsupervised.
  • The transmission fluid is also a delicate component.

• What is the hardest part to replace on a car?

Engine replacement tasks are the hardest and it is among car parts replacements you shouldn’t do yourself. Even trained professionals often find it hard to replace a bad engine with a new one. However, cars are expensive. It is always better to replace the car’s engine than buy a new car.

• Is it better to repair your own car?

No, it is never better to repair your car. To repair a vehicle, one must first carry out an extensive diagnostic process to determine precisely the problem. You may also attempt to look into the gearbox, but the problem is not here. This process often involves using expensive diagnostic equipment that only professionals have the technical knowledge of. Therefore, it is best to take it to a professional else; you may end up doing more harm than good.


A professional should handle vehicle maintenance practices involving the gearbox and brakes. Before proceeding to do a car repair by yourself, it is essential to know the consequences of a failed attempt. Whether the brake pads are misbehaving or there is a problem with the braking system, only a mechanic with expertise can help you properly. Additionally, taking the vehicle to a professional will extend the engine’s life. To tune up the car, consult a trained professional for maintenance and fix up any broken part.

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