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Increase the range of an electric car: How every electric car gets further

The range of electric cars is one of the decisive purchasing criteria. The maximum range of the vehicles depends heavily on the respective framework conditions. However, even simple measures can increase the range of an electric car. In our guide, we explain the various options and reveal the tricks you can use to increase the range.

What affects the range of electric cars?

The range of electric cars is influenced by various factors. These include design-related characteristics, which vary depending on the vehicle model. The maximum ranges essentially depend on the capacity of the batteries and the individual power consumption of the vehicles. However, the driving style also influences the values. Numerous other characteristics of electric cars affect the ranges that can be achieved with them. These include the design of the body and its specific air resistance. The weight of the vehicle can also be a decisive factor in consumption and therefore influence the range.

Battery capacity and individual consumption

The capacity of the installed batteries has a significant influence on the range of the electric car. The greater the battery capacity, the more energy can be stored in the battery. Electric cars with large batteries often offer a greater range according to the WLTP. However, large batteries also weigh more, which increases the car’s consumption. Another factor in terms of electric car and range is the individual power consumption of the drive motors while driving. Additional power consumers such as heating or air conditioning can also increase consumption. If many consumers are switched on, the battery charge is reduced accordingly. This reduces the range of electric cars, sometimes considerably.

Temperatures and drivers as influencing factors

In addition to other factors, the prevailing outside temperature also influences the battery performance and therefore the range of the electric car. Electric car batteries generally work most effectively at temperatures between plus 15 degrees Celsius and plus 25 degrees Celsius. If the temperature range is exceeded, the battery is less able to store and release energy. The driver himself is also a factor in the maximum range of the electric car. The driver’s driving style influences power consumption. People who like to accelerate quickly or prefer high speeds will have to drive to the charging station earlier to charge. By contrast, electricity can be saved by starting and accelerating gently.

How do you increase the range of an electric car?

The range of an electric car can be increased in many different ways. Adapting your driving style alone can often save electricity and reduce the load on the battery. Drivers should also make use of modern vehicle technologies to increase the range of their electric car. Below you will find further tips on how to extend the driving range of an electric car without much effort.

Adapt your own driving style

Adapting your driving style quickly leads to a reduction in power consumption in an electric car. It is often enough to accelerate less and not use the maximum available speed. Anticipatory driving is also helpful. In this way, drivers can easily increase the range of their electric car while maintaining the same battery size.

Use one-pedal driving and recuperation

Almost every modern electric car has the ability to recuperate. With this technology, the vehicle recovers energy during braking. The electricity is stored in the battery and is available for the drive. Recuperation is particularly easy with one-pedal driving, where the driver can decelerate the car using the accelerator pedal.

Clever use of heating and air conditioning

Like all modern cars, electric cars also have interior air conditioning. However, heating and air conditioning in electric cars are powered directly by electricity from the battery. If you want to conserve the battery and increase the range, avoid unnecessary heating and cooling of the interior. The heated seats and heated windows also draw power from the batteries.

Activate eco mode on the vehicle

Many electric cars have a so-called eco mode. If this special driving program is activated, the car consumes particularly little electricity. For example, the vehicle adapts to the traffic situation in order to save electricity. The automatically reduced consumption means that even inexperienced drivers can increase their range.

Driving in the ideal temperature range

The batteries of electric vehicles only work optimally at certain temperatures. It is not always possible to use the electric car only in this specified range. However, battery performance and range can be maximized if the electric car is not used in extreme cold. In hot weather, the batteries need to be cooled, which consumes additional energy.

Plan your route and journey in advance

Precise planning before longer journeys is one of the best tips when it comes to electric cars. The electric car can then be heated in advance via the home charging station. This maximizes the range and avoids charging stress. If charging stations on freeways are to be used as filling stations, drivers should check the compatibility of the charging technology.

Check tire pressure regularly

Like any car with a combustion engine, an electric car should always be operated with the optimum tire pressure. Especially if the tire pressure is too low, the power consumption of the electric car increases. To reduce consumption and increase the range, the owner should regularly adjust the tire pressure.

Reduce weight and increase range

Loading the electric car increases the weight and increases the energy requirement. The electric car should be thoroughly cleaned and cleared out at the latest before setting off on longer journeys on the highway. In everyday life, it is also worthwhile not to load the car with unnecessary ballast. The range of an electric car can also be increased by not using a bike rack.

More range thanks to range extenders

Some electric cars are equipped with a range extender. This technical device is another way of achieving a greater range while maintaining the same battery capacity. The range extender usually consists of a small combustion engine that charges the vehicle’s battery via a generator. In Germany, vehicles with this type of range extender are rather rare. This is because additional components such as a small fuel tank and corresponding exhaust technology are required to extend the range. In addition to the generally high price for the range extender, the maintenance of the technology also costs additional money.

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