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Used youngtimer and classic car parts - the best tips

Vintage and classic cars have a special appeal to most people. So it is little wonder that the classics are becoming increasingly popular. However, just like the vehicles themselves, required spare parts have not been manufactured for a long time. This quickly leads to problems when it comes to procuring spare parts. In our guide, we explain special features when buying classic car parts and give tips for buying parts.

Buying car parts for newer vehicles or classic cars

Buying car parts for newer cars is very different from buying parts for classic cars. This is because parts for new cars and newer used cars are readily available in the market. Car manufacturers guarantee the availability of parts for a certain period of time. In addition to the original components, aftermarket parts from well-known manufacturers are often available. For classic cars, on the other hand, the situation with regard to spare parts looks worse. Even at the time of production, these classic vehicles were often only manufactured in small numbers. A spare parts supply up to the present time does not exist. Some of the manufacturers no longer exist today. Reproductions in large numbers are not worthwhile due to low demand.

Parts for classic cars are in demand

Oldtimers or classics are vehicles that were built at least three decades ago. Although most owners of classic cars move their old treasures only rarely and with care, something can break down one day. Then a replacement part is often needed, which is difficult to obtain. Replacement parts are also frequently required for the restoration of classic cars.

Classic car parts for restoration

The number of roadworthy oldtimers and youngtimers on European roads is constantly increasing. Many a lost treasure shines again in new splendor after a comprehensive restoration. However, even workshops are often unable to obtain parts for classic cars easily from the manufacturer. It is therefore often helpful to obtain the necessary spare parts in advance.

Special features of youngtimers

Youngtimers are enthusiast vehicles that do not yet qualify as classic cars. Such cars were often built about two decades ago, so they are still too young for classic car status. Nevertheless, the vehicles are lovingly maintained and sometimes even restored by their owners. The parts needed are often still readily available on the market in the form of used car parts.

Different types of car parts for classic cars

Various types of car parts are available for classic and vintage cars. The offer ranges from new parts to replicas and used car parts. Depending on the car model and brand, there are differences in availability and price.

  • NOS parts: The term NOS stands for New Old Stock. This describes car parts that are still in old stock and have never been installed. Such new parts from times gone by are highly sought after and the price of the parts is therefore quite high.
  • Original parts: Original parts for classic cars are still manufactured new in rare cases. Some manufacturers or suppliers of car parts have never stopped the production of certain components or have resumed it. The availability of such parts depends on the model.
  • Reproductions: If original parts are no longer available, they are sometimes reproduced. Such replicas are sometimes commissioned by enthusiasts or clubs in higher quantities. However, depending on the supplier, the manufacturing quality of the parts may vary.
  • Special production: When rare vintage parts are unavailable, custom fabrication is often the only option. Some companies in the classic car industry manufacture parts according to a template or on the basis of old documents. The production of the parts by hand is complex and correspondingly expensive.
  • Used parts: Used car parts are sometimes still available for classic cars and youngtimers. The used parts were often removed and stored in the course of car recycling. As a rule, these are original parts in good quality, which are often available at a reasonable price.

Collectors rely on original spare parts

With replicas or parts from the 3D printer, a classic car can be put back into operation. For true collectors, however, originality counts. These enthusiasts rely on original parts from the period in which the vehicle was built, which were also installed by the car manufacturer. The value of a classic car is also often measured in terms of originality. Original parts often increase the value of the vehicle.

Have classic car parts reconditioned

If a classic car part is absolutely impossible to find in good condition, often only reconditioning can help. Such reconditioning or restoration of individual vehicle parts are offered by specialized companies. The original part can serve as a basis. Even a used spare part in poor condition can be reconditioned. The result is often amazingly good.

Sought-after parts for youngtimers

Owners of youngtimers are often looking for components that can be used to restore the vehicle to its original condition. These include parcel shelves or door panels, which were once drilled through in youthful recklessness for speakers. Body parts, on the other hand, often fell victim to rust, which is why they are rare today. Plastic parts are also often sought after.

5 good options for buying parts

The search for car spare parts for classic cars and youngtimers often turns out to be complicated. Especially for specific parts for a particular model, the situation sometimes seems hopeless. However, there are some good opportunities to maybe get the part you are looking for after all.

  1. Read trade journals: Magazines for classic cars and youngtimers often offer an advertising section. Here car parts for oldies can be advertised and offered. With luck, the part you are looking for can be found here. However, searching magazines can sometimes be time-consuming.
  2. Visit parts markets: At car meets for classic or youngtimers, there is often a parts market. Like a flea market, this is an opportunity to offer or search for classic car parts. Often, however, the search for a specific part remains fruitless.
  3. View classified ads: Through classified ads in newspapers or on the Internet, car parts such as classic car parts are often offered. While the newspaper rarely offers the right part, the Internet variant is more promising. However, you often have to pick up the part yourself.
  4. Ask the manufacturer: Some car manufacturers have a spare parts warehouse for classic cars. Here you can sometimes find the part you are looking for as an old stock item. New products made to the manufacturer’s specifications are also sometimes available. One disadvantage is the sometimes very high prices.
  5. Search car recyclers: Car recycling companies dismantle old cars and store the individual parts. Parts for classic cars and youngtimers can often be found here. The car part you are looking for can be easily found and ordered via online platforms.

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